Audio signal processing and synthetis

Digital Signal Processing, together with  its various applications, is one of the core Research Topics of the SI-Lab. Several DSP HW/SW systems have been realized and used in  complex tasks like acoustic room correction, active noise control, real-time audio synthesis etc. SI-Lab also realized several human-computer gestural interfaces, based on video capture and/or infrared technologies. These devices are specialized for controlling audio synthesis and computer graphics in real-time.

Rehabilitation technologies

The gestural interfaces developed in the lab have been used for rehabilitation purposes: the auditory feedback systems based on these devices are useful for improving body movement control (post-traumatic or third-age diseases applications) or for having an augmented interaction with the environment (applications for subjects with autism spectrum disorder).

Brain interfaces

BCI (Brain Computer Interface) systems are under development at SI-Lab. These systems, based on low cost wireless headsets, can extract information directly from the brain mindwaves. These devices have been used to detect the brain response to external stimuli (for research or diagnostic applications) or for sending commands to machines (e.g. robotic arms) by thought.