Infrastruttura Pervasiva Eterogenea Real-time per il controllo della MOBilità

Funded under: POR CReO FESR Regione Toscana 2007-2013

Start date 15 October 2009     End date 15 April 2011


IPERMOB project aims at designing and developing on a small scale an Infomobility Metropolitan System which exploits innovative and low-cost technologies. From the architectural point of view, the system is composed by three levels (tier) that divide issues relative to the data gathering and aggregation from the ones relative to information publication and service fruition.

Ipermob strong features are:

  • Transversal services, proper to heterogeneous users such as public administration, car dealers and citizen. A single system able to satisfy the needs of many user categories.
  • Scalabiliy. Thanks to the architectural design, the system can be used in urban contests of different sizes and the covered area can be increased with a modest resource investment. Moreover, customized services can be instanced and developed depending on the usage scenario.
  • A low cost infomobility system. By exploiting innovative technologies, COTS components and devices that operate in not licensed bands, it is possible to lowering the system cost without decreasing functionalities and secuity.
  • Wireless sensor networks acquire in real time data about vehicular flow and parking slot occupation.
  • Retrieved data are transmitted, through high capacity wireless link, towards a gathering center where are stored into dedicated databases. Data are grouped in priority classes depending on transported information.
  • Aggregate data are elaborated, through dedicated services, in order to obtain real time information to support decision of system users and vehicles in the monitored area.

Among real time usable information, it is possible to identify:

  • Parking slot occupancy level.
  • Available parking slots.
  • Advice textual messages.
  • Traffic congestion level.
  • Decision support for optimal route.
  • Estimation of average travel time.
  • Warnings on variable text panels.


Through historical flow data, in Ipermob ambit is also possible to study novel algorithms for transport models both in macro and micro level. This will allow to define significant better prototypes in terms of precision and reliability.